Travel Health

Aims to prevent potential illnesses or adverse outcomes in the travellers. Through a preventive approach, we offer personalized advice based on the destination, itinerary, planned activities and individual health status, helping both local and international travellers manage their health risks.

Nepal Chola Pass

Travel Health Consultation

Scheduling an appointment 6 weeks before departure allows enough time for vaccinations, drug prescriptions and any necessary follow-ups

Preventive Medication

Doctor will recommend suitable medication for you to prevent life-threatening diseases such as malaria, high altitude illness and travellers’ diarrhoea

Insect Repellents & Equipment

Appropriate insect repellents and equipment help prevent and manage health issues like insect bites, contaminated water and first aid

Professional Accreditation

Our team holds accredited professional qualifications and is listed in the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM) Global Travel Clinic Directory